Whispering Pines

Earlier this year I shared one of my projects with my Community Association, launching and producing a newsletter. I am thrilled to share the first two issues of Whispering Pines are out and being received well. My previous post explained we were unable to afford door-to-door distribution, and I’m producing the newsletter in-house myself, so to maximize circulation while remaining within our limited budget, we share it online, in-centre, and at various locations throughout the community. The last piece, at locations throughout the community, has only recently started to come to fruition. I’m excited that by the end of the summer Whispering Pines will be in over six locations throughout Pineridge. By Halloween I plan to double that.

In addition to our circulation increasing, we’ve also had inquiries about advertising. While I had planned to market this opportunity to bring in some revenue to support production and increased distribution, I hadn’t expected interest to come so soon. Rates go out this week, so I hope to have some advertisements in the September/October issue.

NewsletterNewsletter 2

I’ve really enjoyed working on this project, and continue to do so. I look forward to growth, not only in readership, but in increased collaboration with our community groups and partners for content. I also expect the length of the newsletter to grow by the end of the year.

Are you working on any community projects this summer?


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